About dustin mower
Family Man! Married with 3 daughters. Loves God and serving others!
Entries by dustin mower
Top Python Coding for Kids Course Review
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerToday I’ve decided to dive more into what makes a “python coding for kids” course so unique and special. I’d like to start with a quote from Python.org “Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.” Believe it or not, there are many applications that use python coding, which […]
Homeschool Math & Typing Helps with Learning to Code
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerWe often get the question at homeschool shows across the country as to why we start kids at age 11. Or why can’t my kid start when he’s 8 yrs old as he’s really smart? Or my child has done Khan Academy or Scratch or Code.org or any of those free programs online why would […]
Coding Camps for Kids on Campus is Great for College Recruiting
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerToday I thought I would write a little bit of how we think summer coding camps for kids on College and University campus is a great recruiting tool. By allowing kids ages 11 through 18 years of age to be on the campus physically is proving to be a huge success in the recruitment of […]
Is Code.org Bad or Good for my Student or Child
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerIn today’s post I want to cover Is Code.org Good or Bad for your student or child. I’ve heard both sides and there’s a lot of misinformation out there online that is not giving the parent or teacher the right idea about exactly what is Code.org computer science curriculum. So hopefully I can clear this up […]
Is Fortnite Bad for Kids or a Path to Coding Careers?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerIs Fortnite bad for kids? Can a child that plays Fortnite all day really learn how to code video games and then actually get a job and/or career? I tried to think what I would title this post for the week as I stumbled upon some Fortnite coding ads that I thought were funny. Now […]
Test Scores VS Skills Set. What’s Better for Homeschoolers?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerI was at lunch with our Founder and President, Seth Iorg a few months ago and we were speaking to a gentleman who works for a highly reputable online charter school. (I won’t mention the name). But he started to tell us about how this notion that “it’s all about test scores (i.e. ACT’s, highschool […]
Top 5 Things Learned at Great Homeschool Convention
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerJust got back about a week ago from our first Great Homeschool Convention. It was a great time meeting all the wonderful parents there that passed by our booth and to see their passion they have for their kids. What great christian beliefs and friendly people. We learned a few things on our adventure: WE […]
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