About dustin mower
Family Man! Married with 3 daughters. Loves God and serving others!
Entries by dustin mower
Best Python Coding for Kids Course Review
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerPython Coding for Kids: Introduction Today I’ve decided to dive more into what makes a “Python coding for kids” course so unique and special. I’d like to start with a quote from Python.org: “Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.” Believe it or not, many applications use […]
Powerful Ways Homeschool Math & Typing Boost Coding Skills
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerWe often get the question at Homeschool Math shows across the country as to why we start kids at age 11. Or why can’t my kid start when he’s 8 years old as he’s smart? If my child has done Khan Academy or Scratch or Code.org or any of those free programs online why would […]
Coding Camps for Kids on Campus is Great for College Recruiting
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerToday I thought I would write a little bit about how we think summer coding camps for kids on College and University campus is a great recruiting tool. Allowing kids ages 11 through 18 years of age to be on the campus physically is proving to be a huge success in the recruitment of those […]
Is Code.org Bad or Good for my Student or Child
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerIn today’s post, I want to cover whether Is Code.org Good or Bad for your student or child. I’ve heard both sides and there’s a lot of misinformation out there online that is not giving the parent or teacher the right idea about exactly what is Code.org computer science curriculum. So hopefully I can clear […]
Is Fortnite Bad for Kids or a Path to Coding Careers?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerIs Fortnite bad for kids? Can a child that plays Fortnite all day really learn how to code video games and then actually get a job and/or career? I tried to think what I would title this post for the week as I stumbled upon some Fortnite coding ads that I thought were funny. Now […]
Test Scores VS Skills Set. What’s Better for Homeschoolers?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerThe Changing Education Landscape: Moving Beyond Test Scores vs Skills I was at lunch with our Founder and President, Seth Iorg, a few months ago, and we were speaking to a gentleman who works for a highly reputable online charter school. (I won’t mention the name). But he started to tell us that this notion […]
Top 5 Things Learned at Great Homeschool Convention
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by dustin mowerJust got back about a week ago from our first Great . It was a great time meeting all the wonderful parents there who passed by our booth and saw the passion they have for their kids. Just got back about a week ago from our first Great Homeschool Convention. It was a great time […]
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