Entries by Seth Iorg

Coding For Kids What Services Are Out There?

Scratch (MIT) Scratch coding for kids coding for kids has been around for a while now and is geared towards kids ranging in age 8 years to 16 years old. It is a coding drag/drop program that was developed and sponsored by MIT and the Lifelong Kindergarten group. Scratch has the goal of allowing children […]

Every Kid Needs Coding – Don’t Be Left Behind

The skill of the future & why every child needs coding Look around you Every Child Needs Coding, computers are everything. I bet you can’t name a job that doesn’t include using a computer – I dare you. It just doesn’t happen. So why not understand them? In a recent report, by the year 2020 5 […]

Stay Safe on Social Media

3 Easy Tips to Make Sure Your Kids Are Social Media Safe Whether it be Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, social media can be a really fun way to interact with friends. It provides a platform for sharing experiences, keeping up with trends, and maintaining connections with loved ones. As much fun as they can […]

Internet Safety; Is Your Child Safe on the Internet?

6 Tips to Help Parents Understand Proper Kids Internet Safety The Internet can be a dangerous place. Without the proper precautions, your child’s safety could be at risk. From inappropriate content to cyber predators, the risks are real and ever-evolving. With one click even kids can access things that would give most adults a stomach […]