Learn to Type: Keyboarding Space Mission for Kids Course

learn to type Keyboarding Space Mission

Keyboarding Space Mission Course Information:

This course is online and self-paced with auto-graded quizzes and tests. It is specifically designed for youth ages 6+ or K-5th grade assuming no prior typing knowledge.

Students will learn to type using a laptop or any device that has a proper keyboard. Students will follow the online lesson tutorials. They will learn typing concepts such as: correct posture, proper hand placement, alphabet keys, space bar, caps lock, shift, enter and backspace and much more.

This course is for both Mac and Windows computers and consists of 7 full Keyboarding lessons. We encourage students to use the live chat support for any questions that they may have along the way.

Learn to Type: Keyboarding Space Mission for Kids Course

$25.00 one time purchase

PLEASE NOTE:  If you want the Keyboarding Space Mission physical gift card with a scratch-off pin code on the back, which serves well as a holiday or birthday present, then please click on one of the options below.

Course Highlights:

  • Learn Computer Keyboarding the Right Way and Type like a PRO
  • Step by step drills include proper posture, hand placement, and all keys.
  • Fun interactive mission game to save Alpha Prime
  • Live mentor chat support mon – fri
  • Over 30 hours of content

Course Description:

Many kids learn the wrong way to type or have to go back in their later years to learn correct technique from bad habits.

This course gives students proper posture, hand placement, and typing techniques that covers all alphabet keys, space bar, caps lock, shift, enter and backspace.

Each lesson consists of a special mission as a student makes their way to save the leader Alpha Prime. There are in total 7 modules to be completed with a section at the end where they can test their speed and accuracy through a fun interactive space game.