Online Coding Pathway For Youth

Pathway Description:

This is a self paced online coding pathway for youth ages 11+!  No teacher or parent help is needed! This pathway gives youth a real experience in coding. Each course is complete with real world projects broken down in to multiple short interactive lessons.

Students will download the need IDE’s or text editors and write all the code themselves while following along with the lessons.  There is tons of room for customizing and implementing their own ideas.  This is very much encouraged. The more you try to code in your own ideas the better you’ll understand programming concepts.

The goal of each course is to have the student complete multiple projects that can be uploaded live to their online portfolio.

During the first course students learn how to create a github account and publish their work live on the web! This is very valuable to have and show in future interviews or applications!  Check out the individual courses in the pathway below! New courses and updates go live every summer!