Become a Simply

Coding Partner

Join Our Program

Turn your social networks, blogs, homeschool co-op groups, PTA groups, company contact lists into money and then use those funds for personal use, building/supporting other school programs, and/or raising money for whatever your educational passion desires!!!

Why Share Simply Coding With Your Audience?

Help Us Prepare kids for Jobs, College Level Courses and Gain a Needed Skill with Computer Programming and make money while you are at it!

Click Here to see what Simply Coding offers to each student

How does it work?

Homeschools, Co-ops, Parents, Charter Schools, PTA clubs, are are scrambling to teach coding to their kids. However, these educators run into 3 problems: Can’t find a parent who can teach it consistently, The free online programs such as scratch, Codecademy, and others don’t offer enough support or progression, and the BIGGEST is that more and more jobs are opening for those who know computer programming, but parents and educators don’t know how to get students there! At Simply Coding we want to be the source for your kids to gain this viable required skill and prepare them for internships, entry level jobs, college level / AP computer science courses & even University concurrent enrollment! YOU or YOUR GROUP CAN PROFIT FROM THIS HUGE OPPORTUNITY IN AN EXPANDING MARKET!

How much can I make? Simply Coding pays 25% for each sale and for every renewal too!

  • 10 students = $250
  • 25 students = $625
  • 50 students = $1250
  • 100 students = $2500
Fundraising for homeschools

FREE to Join

It’s absolutely FREE to join our Simply Coding partner affiliate program and only takes minutes to sign up!

What others are saying about Simply Coding

My son just started tonight.  I am interested in learning with him and may end up getting my own account just to keep up with him.  He had already mastered all the free courses so he was ready for a challenge.  He could follow along just fine on his own which was nice.  Some curriculum is very confusing.  You can tell that the instructors know what they are talking about but are not able to communicate it well.  That has not been the case with Simply Coding lessons.  It was very easy to keep up between the text and/or videos we never felt lost.

My son (age 11) loves the simply coding platform game designer. He has been wanting to make games for a while, and has played around with scratch and a few other things here and there, but this was a whole new level of game making for him. I’ve seen him make great strides in understanding how coding works. He has learned concepts and tools that have helped him be creative, and he takes great pride in the work he’s been able to do. The Simply Coding people have been very responsive and encouraging when he’s needed help, and that is a huge plus as well. The “platform” game designer actually takes you through three separate games to code from start to finish, offering helpful videos and hints that make sure you will get things right. Great product!

I have to say thank you for this program. My son Brandon (Hawthorn Academy) LOVES it!  All he wants to do when he gets home from school is code.  He had his after school class yesterday and when I picked him up he said “That wasn’t long enough, I want to do more when I get home!”  He’s plowing through it and has already finished the entire Intro to Websites Module and is now working on the JavaScript – Platform.  He created his Ping Pong game last night and had so much fun doing it.  So thank you.  As a programmer myself I’ve wanted to get him interested in coding and thankfully now instead of focusing on being an MLS soccer player he is talking about being a programmer.

Frequently Asked Questions

In your partner login you’ll see all the active users that have signed up using your link.  Upon every signup you will be paid.

In your partner login you’ll see your link right at the top. This is unique to you and identifies who referred the student that registered. It looks something like this:

Please contact us directly at  We can answer any questions you have and we’ll spend all the time you need to get you going!

Stay in Touch

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at the Partnerships Team with any questions regarding the partner program. Contact us at

Join Our Program

Turn your social networks, blogs, homeschool co-op groups, PTA groups, company contact lists into money and then use those funds for personal use, building/supporting other school programs, and/or raising money for whatever your educational passion desires!!!

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