Tag Archive for: #summercodingcamps

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Coding Camps for Kids on Campus is Great for College Recruiting

Coding Camps for KidsToday I thought I would write a little bit about how we think summer coding camps for kids on College and University campus is a great recruiting tool. Allowing kids ages 11 through 18 years of age to be on the campus physically is proving to be a huge success in the recruitment of those same Coding Camps for Kids when they’re older for many universities and colleges all over the U.S. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I want to cover 3 reasons of why it works in today’s blog post. Let’s jump in!

Coding Camps


REASON #1: GOOD MEMS ALL AROUND Coding Camps for Kids

Anytime I talk with my buddies about the past we always state “Good mems!” The main reason is that if you think about a child whose brains are developing so rapidly in their younger years, they associate places, things, sounds, and smells with either great times or possibly even bad times. A College or University creates a wonderful atmosphere for kids to come and experience walking around campus and then sit in a computer lab where they see all those computers and cool gadgets, robotics stuff surely leave a profound impression on those video gamers when walking out of the campus computer lab!



Most everyone associates with a mentor or someone they look up to and it’s usually the person that taught them how to work, play, and have fun while doing it. By providing computer programming camps for kids on your campus you have already begun the education process for these young fellas to learn! As the kids look to the University as almost a mentor, they will only want to continue with concurrent enrollment classes in high school, and other continuing education classes because they’ll already be comfortable having been to summer camps.

Learning a bit of computer science on campus for kids over the summer proves to be extremely beneficial for the parents as well. What parent doesn’t want to see their child graduate from the same University they did? Well… instead of sending them letters every year to donate to their alma mater, why not send a letter and say you’re offering a summer coding camp for kids for their child who want to learn how to program video games and websites or develop apps that make robots move? I mean you already have the computer labs and with Simply Coding you can use their curriculum and live chat support. Now all you need is have a page where they can register and possibly a teacher aide that needs to be in the room for adult supervision. Educating kids now on your campus is a very smart idea for any continuing education department looking towards the future students that you will want to attend. Experience is everything! I just saw this coding camp out in Singapore.



I don’t know if this falls into a reason why, but I have to mention it anyway as for the smaller colleges and universities, they may want to make a little money on the side over the summer. With a revenue share model, the continuing education department can receive some money from the camps that then in turn can be used for advertising of the camps or funding other summer camps for kids. Coding isn’t the only thing that kids are interested in nowadays, it’s just the majority. But there are lots of little girl cooks like my daughter who would die to go to a summer camp where they learn the basics of cooking instead of watching Cupcake Wars or Bobby Flay all day. As a parent myself I have no problem paying a couple hundred bucks for my daughters to go to a summer camp on the campus of my alma mater!


I remember when I went to a basketball camp when I was around 10 years old on the campus of my Dad’s alma mater. I’ll never forget it. It left an impression on me that made me want to grow up and go there when I’m older. Just as sports camps for kids did this for me, so do coding camps for kids, and others produce that same feeling of the memory. And guess where I ended up? Yup! Right where my Dad went to school! It is my opinion that there is no stronger recruiting tool for a college or university than to run summer camps for kids! It’s easy. It’s turnkey. It’s fulfilling. It’s affecting the lives of children in their social skills, confidence, and maturity. And most importantly it’s allowing the kids to feel and experience the wonderful culture your school is all about! Heck, give them a cool T-shirt with your logo and colours or a cool slogan! Any swag you can think of? That’ll go a long way! Other interesting summer STEM camps for kids I saw out there were Sylvan, Idtech summer camps, and Tynker stem camps. Be sure to look at all of them to make the best choice for your school! And of course, we are here to answer any questions as we know all of them!

Have questions about coding camps for kids? We’re here to help! Just click on the live chat or give us a call. For more information on how Simply Coding works with colleges and universities with summer camps, you can just click on this link.

Till next time, this is D signing off!